Saturday 7 March 2015

Red Zebra Cichlid (Metriaclima estherae)

 Kingdom: Animalia
 Phylum   : Chordata
 Class       : Actinopterygii
  Order     :Percifomes
  Family    : Cichlidae
  Genus     : Maylandie
  Species   : M.estherae
 Image result for red zebra cichlid male Male Image result for red zebra cichlid femaleFemale
             These common names are Red Zebra,ester gants zebra. This fish, like most cichlids from Lake Malawi, is a mouthbrooder—females hold their fertilized eggs, then fry, in their mouth until they are released after about 21 days.
             Africa - Lake Malawi, Farm Raised - USA  
        Image result for Lake Malawi picsMalawi lakes
            Females can grow up to 10 cm (4 inch) while males will grow up to 12.7 cm (5 inch.).
                      Breeding Maylandia Estherae is an easy process. Because they are mouthbreeders, these fish take really good care of their eggs/fry. After a male sets up and dig his territorry in the sand at the base of a rock pile, he attracts the female by displaying his best colors and by showing his fins. A water change can sometimes trigger breeding behavior. Females quickly accept the males courtships. The breeding parade begins when they start nipping at each other. The female releases a couple eggs that she instantly puts in her mouth. At this point, the male shows off his "egg dummies" (yellow spot on his anal fin) to mislead the female to think they are actual eggs. She then starts nipping at them and the male releases his sperm to fertilize the real eggs. This process goes on until the female's mouth is full of eggs (approx. 30 eggs). The eggs hatch in approximately 7 days but the female keep them in her mouth until the frys are big enough to take care of themselves (approx. 3 weeks). During this process, the female eats very little and it is a good idea to remove her in a seperate tank with her fry. Youngs are quite resistant and can be feed with baby brine shrimps or powdered flakes. They will grow quite fast if fed properly with diversity in their diet.
                  These are omnivores cichlids.In the aquarium they need mainly herbivorous foods because even though they eat a little protein in the wild, the majority of their diet is vegetable matter. They will accept anything, but to keep their colors strong, feed New Life Spectrum, Cyclops, Spirulina, or any other high quality herbivorous cichlid flake or small pellet. Mysis and brine shrimp.

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