Sunday 8 March 2015

Moorii (fresh aqua dolphin fish)


Kingdom:  Animalia
Phylum   :  Chordata                          
Class        : Actinopterygii

Order        :Perciformes
Family      :Cichlidae

Subfamily :Pseudocrenilabrinae
Genus       :Cyrtocara
Species      : C. moori
Image result for moori fish  Image result for moori fish
            The Malawi Blue Dolphin is also known as the Moori and is a hap cichlid originating in shallow waters and sandy substrate of Lake Malawi in African.The blue Moorii is called the 'Hump-head' because it will develop a pronounced bump on its head.Its scientific name is cyrtocara moori, but it was previously known as Haplochromis moorii. The reference to ‘dolphin’ in its name is related to the nuchal hump on its head and the shape of its mouth. Although fairly rare in Lake Malawi, it has become fairly common in the aquarium trade and is popular for its appearance and its less aggressive nature as a Malawi cichlid. The nuchal hump becomes larger as the fish grows and is found in both males and females. Malawi Blue Dolphin’s will bury themselves in the sand to avoid danger.
Care and Feed:
                           The Malawi Blue Dolphin’s large size, a tank of 125 gallons is recommended. As this is a timid fish, it should have a few rocks and hiding places. It should also have large open areas with sandy substrate to mimic its natural environment. Spiral val may be a good live plant choice however it may be uprooted quite often. In the wild, the Malawi Blue Dolphin follows behind other cichlids that disturb the substrate and it then feeds on the organisms that are released. In an aquarium, it can be fed cichlid pellets, cichlid flakes, spirulina and frozen brine shrimp. Although it burrows in substrate, it will not eat plants.A single blue dolphin with several females is a good combination. Other tank mates should be mild mannered haps and peacocks. Mbunas should not be included in the tank.
                  Males are slightly larger than females and may show enhanced color during mating. The silver colored juveniles grow slowly and take nearly three years to reach half their size and mature sexually. They then breed quite regularly after that. Malawi Blue Dolphins tend to breed when no other species are present in the tank. They are typical mouthbrooders. The female places eggs in a nest or against a flat stone. The eggs are fertilized by the male and the female quickly scoops them into her mouth. Young females will hatch 15 – 25 young, while older females may hatch as many as 80. It takes about 3 weeks for the eggs to hatch. Unfortunately the trick of removing a female with eggs in her mouth to a separate tank doesn’t work well with Malawi Blue Dolphins. The female tends to drop the eggs when frightened. She may pick them up again in the new tank, though. The fry should be started on brine shrimp.

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