Tuesday 10 March 2015

Guppy fish

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Actinopterygii
Oder: Cyprinodontiformes
Genus: Poecilia
Species: P. reticulata
Image result for guppiesMale Kinds
 Image result for guppies femaleFemale
            Guppies fish are also known as million fish,rainbow fish.These are warm water fishes.These are live breeders .There male is smaller than female.They are mostly keeped in aquarium because they male are beautiful.they can cross breed with mollies.they are most reproductive fish females are always/mostly pregnant.
        They are small fishes about 2 -3 inches.
                Guppies have the mating system called polyandry, where females promiscuously mate with multiple males. Multiple mating is beneficial for males because the males' reproductive success is directly related to how many times they mate. The cost of multiple mating for males is very low because they do not provide material benefit to the females or parental care to the offspring. Conversely, multiple mating can be disadvantageous for females because it reduces foraging efficiency and increases the chances of predation and parasitic infection. However, females gain some potential benefits from multiple mating. For example, females that mate multiply are found to be able to produce more offspring in shorter gestation time, and their offspring tend to have better qualities such as enhanced schooling and predator evasion abilities.
Female guppies mate again more actively and delay the development of a brood when the anticipated second mate is more attractive than the first male. Experiments show that remating females prefer a novel male to the original male or a brother of the original male with similar phenotypes. Females' preference for novel males in remating can explain the excessive phenotypic polymorphism in male guppies.
          These are herbivorous fishes and nano feed is given to guppies.

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