Friday 8 May 2015


       The oldest records on aquaristics with rearing the "gold-fish" date back to 1163 and come from China.Nevertheless,it was not until 1850s that the history of modern aquaristics  began. The first aquarium with plants and fish was setup by the English Naturalist S.H. Ward in 1841 . In 1855 it was, by coincidence, another English-man and naturalist, P.H. Gross, who in his publication used the word “aquarium” for the first time. The Frenchman Carbionnier, a pioneer in this area, was the first breeder in 1869-1870 he succeed in breeding and rearing the paradise fish (macropodus opercularis).During the last decades, a factual aquaristic explosion has taken place all over the world, resulting in an increasing flow of information on the subject, but simultaneously also a merciless devastation of natural habitats. It is in fact easier to take a fish from the wild than to breed it. The demand for fish is immense, their production is insufficient and the resources are much too easy exhaustible. The solution of this problem, which has become more than pressing, lies in mastering the artificial breeding of fish in captivity, so as to leave nature as a laboratory, a place of study and a fish reservoir.

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